5 min read.
News from Dozens

The People’s Money Survey

31 May 2019

This summer, we're travelling across the UK to discover people's feelings about money and opinions on banking. Our aim is to give everyone the chance to get their stories heard.

We're setting up shop in cafes and community rooms, and pacing the high streets up and down the country. So whether you're a struggling student in Swansea or an experienced investor in Inverness keep your eyes out for the Dozens team near you.

Tell us your stories so we can push for positive change in the financial sector and find ways it can make a real difference to everyone's lives.


Because a lot is changing in the finance sector… right?

Well, there certainly has been a rise in the number of financial technology companies or 'fintechs' out there – over ten thousand globally in fact. 

And even traditional banks are investing in digital services and launching apps.

But isn’t it time the financial industry looked to the REAL world and not just the TECH world for its future? 

A world where, on average, 60 high street bank branches are closing a month.

A world where 21% of people in the UK do not have full Basic Digital Skills.

And a world where half of all savers have no idea what interest rate they’re earning (YouGov).

Do we really think tech can solve all the finance industry's issues? Or is an obsession with tech actually widening the technological and financial gap? 

Isn't it time we innovated in other areas? How about how high street innovation? Or financial product innovation? 

Isn't it time we as an industry took the time to listen to what people are really feeling?



Let's start with the stories

We all have different money stories — life experiences, news events, childhood memories — things that have shaped our attitude towards banking and money. These beliefs affect the day-to-day decisions we make with our money. And ultimately, can impact how much money we have through our spending and saving habits and notions of financial products. 

Only by understanding these stories and the perspectives they‘ve shaped, can we create services that really help people financially progress. 




Involving people from different financial perspectives is at the foundation of everything we do.

The majority of the Dozens team are non-bankers, it’s enabled us to see things very differently.

Which has led to over 10,000 customers spanning locations, ages and demographics. 




The People’s Money Survey is our way of giving everyone a voice.



The full report is now available here